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Design and Technology
Subject Leader: Lynda Marsh (lmarsh@cashesgreen-pri.gloucs.sch.uk)
Design and Technology at Cashes Green
Design and Technology is important because it gives our children a chance to be imaginative and creative, providing them with hands on, practical experiences and vital life-skills such as cooking. Through refining products, our children are encouraged to take risks and try new things, practising patience, resilience and problem solving.
Link to EYFS framework
Link to National Curriculum Programme of Study for KS1 and KS2
Our Key Knowledge and Skills
Year 1
Structures and Mechanisms and Food
Structures and mechanisms
- Create products using levers.
- Build structures, exploring how they can be made stronger.
- Design products based on a given design criterion.
- Design products through drawing them first.
- Use tools and materials that have been pre-selected.
- Explore how existing products have been made.
- Say what I like and dislike about an existing product.
- Discuss my design using a design criterion with my teacher.
Year 2
Textiles and Food
- Shape textiles using a template.
- Join textiles using a running stitch.
- Design products that have a clear, functional purpose.
- Design products using templates.
- Design products using mock ups.
- Cut materials safely using tools provided.
- Select from and use a wide range of materials.
- -Explore how existing products have been made.
- - Change my design to make it better.
Year 3
Mechanisms and food.
- Create products using levers, linkages, cogs and cams.
- Come up with my own design criteria.
- Develop my designs through annotated sketches.
- Explore how things move on using different forces (push, pull etc… ).
- Make products though carefully selecting materials and tools.
- Investigate a range of existing products.
- Evaluate product made against my design criteria.
Year 4
Electrical systems and food.
Electrical systems
- Create products that use series circuits.
- Create circuits using electronics kits that employ a number of components (such as buzzers, switches, lamps and wires).
- Develop my design through cross sectional diagrams and exploded diagrams.
- Use research to inform design.
- Make product with intended user in mind.
- Disassemble products to understand how they work.
- Evaluate product made against design criteria.
Year 5
Structures and food.
- Build structures with a stable base.
- Strengthen, stiffen and reinforce materials using suitable techniques.
- Design products that are aimed at particular groups or individuals.
- Develop my design through prototypes.
- Develop a range of practical skills to create products (such as cutting, drilling and screwing, nailing, gluing, filing and sanding).
- Choose suitable techniques to construct products or repair items.
- Improve upon existing designs and products.
- - Refine work and techniques as work progresses- continually evaluating the product design.
Year 6
Textiles and food.
- Use a combination of stitching techniques, such as back stitch, running stitch and cross stitch.
- Understand the need for a seam allowance.
- Develop my design through computer- aided design.
- Develop my design through pattern pieces.
- Join textiles with a combination of stitching techniques (such as back stitch for seams and running stitch to attach decoration).
- Ensure products have a high quality finish- using art skills where appropriate.
- Combine elements of design from a range of inspirational designers throughout history.
- Consider the views of others to improve my own work.
Our Key Vocabulary
Coverage in Our Curriculum