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Year 3
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Welcome to the Year 3 page of Cashes Green. Please read on to find out important information about the class and the exciting things we are doing in school.
What a busy few weeks! The children are really enjoying reading Ways to Make Sunshine and learning about how to keep our bodies and minds happy and healthy. Read on to find out what we have been up to.
In our English lessons we have been writing a diary entry from the main character's perspective. We thought about why she is disappointed with her new house and how she finds the positives in a difficult situation.
In Maths we have been learning how to multiply a 2 digit by a 1 digit number using our times tables knowledge to help us. We will start looking at division this week.
In Science we have been investigating the different food groups and looking at a variety of food to find out where we can get all the nutrients our bodies need.
The children are really enjoying our dance sessions! They work really hard, especially during their group work.
We have begun designing and making our pizzas! We made pizza dough using flour and yoghurt - you can find the recipe here:
We have also practiced chopping vegetables to add as toppings and will be making our pizzas later this week.
In Computing we are working on Scratch to great our own programmes. So far we have made a sprite move in different ways and changed the background.
We had another visit from Rosie and the GWT team. We learnt about different animals we might find and what clues we can look for to find them.
Welcome back for a new term and a new year! For Term 4 our topic is Ways to Make Sunshine by Renée Watson, illustrated by Mechal Roe.
The story is about Ryan Hart, a confident girl with good friends. She has to move house as her dad has lost his job so they have to downsize. The book includes themes such as finding your place in the family and trying to be a good friend when some people are not as kind.
Read on to find out what we are doing this term.
Our first piece of work for English is writing a diary entry as Ryan, talking about how she feels about moving house.
In Maths we are continuing with multiplication and division, beginning to learn about multiplying by multiples of 10 (e.g. 10, 100, 1000)
In Science we are learning about Animals, including Humans. We are learning about the skeleton and muscle systems and what our bodies need to function. We started by learning about the different food groups and what foods are good sources of each group.
Our DT this term has a Food Tech focus. Our final product is a pizza, and for our first lesson we did some product testing of different pizzas to consider what toppings we liked and how they had been advertised.
In Computing we have started our first programming topic. We will be using Scratch to program a sprite to make a sound.
Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust
We will be continuing our project with the GWT, including planting some fruit trees in school.
What a busy start to term! Read on to find out what we have been up to in Year 3
In English, we have been writing a prequel to The Iron Man. We imagined he came as a meteor that landed during the night. We wrote from the perspective of a child watching through their telescope, in the form of a diary entry.
In Maths, we have been working hard on column addition and subtraction, focusing on the skill of exchanging ones for tens and tens for hundreds.
In Science we have been learning about forces and magnets. We tested which surface a car could travel the furthest on, deciding our own ways to measure. We also tested a variety of objects to see if they were magnetic.
Design Technology
In DT we have been learning about mechanisms. We have learnt what a lever and pivot are, and have begun making our own simple mechanisms using split pins and card.
Outdoor Learning
In our last sessions with Gloucestershire Wildlife Trusts we learnt all about soil, building from our science work last term. We collected materials to make our own compost.
Our class book this The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. We have been looking at the copy illustrated by Chris Mould, our focus artist for last term.
In our lessons this term we will be learning about the following things:
In English, we will be writing a diary entry which is a prequal to the Iron Man. We will also be writing a present tense non-chronological report about the Iron Man.
In Maths we will continue learning about Addition and Subtraction and begin learning about Multiplication and Division.
Our Science focus this term is Forces and Magnets
In History we will be learning all about The Bronze Age and The Iron Age.
In Geography we will focus on human geography, maps and land uses on the coast.
In DT we are learning about levers and linkages. We will be making our own Christmas cards with a moving part.
This term, we also have Music, Forest School and will be continuing our outdoor learning with Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust.
We are nearly at the end of our first term of Year Three! The children have settled in beautifully to the juniors and have been working so hard on our learning. The class are really excited to show off all they have been doing in our class assembly on Friday!
In English we have been learning all about the features of a past tense non-chronological report. We have looked at different examples and then written our out one all about the Stone Age.
In Maths we have continued learning about addition and subtraction.
In Science we have consolidated all of our learning this term by making a poster featuring all of our key knowledge. We have also started our final investigation; using salt to see how minerals form crystals.
In History we have been learning all about the Stone Age. We have focused on the discovery of the Red Lady of Paviland and the Cheddar Man, and thought about what they can teach us about prehistoric life. We have also learnt about all of the changes that occurred over the course of the Stone Age, starting with the use of simple tools and shelter in the Palaeolithic and ending with the invention of farming and permanent settlement in the Neolithic.
Another fortnight has flown by! We have had a great time doing our learning in Year Three
We have now finished re-writing our version of Stone Age Boy. We changed the ending by imagining how Om, a girl from the Stone Age, would have reacted if she was in the modern day. We have been reading Stig of the Dump and it has given us lots of ideas!
In Maths, we have finished our place value topic and started working on addition and subtraction.
We have really been enjoying our science lessons so far this year! We have been testing properties of rocks, exploring what soil is made from, and learning how fossils are made (using chocolate to represent millions of years of soil and sand!).
Outdoor Learning
We have been very lucky to be visited by Rosie from the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust, who has been teaching us about nature and habitats. Year Three especially enjoyed meeting a taxidermy badger and had lots of great questions!
Welcome to Year Three! The children have had a wonderful start to the term and are already getting stuck in to their leaning.
This term, our book is Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura
In our lessons we will be learning about the following things:
In English, we will be writing our own version of Stone Age Boy, and changing the ending of the story. We will also be writing a past tense report about a dinosaur.
In Maths we will be learning about Place Value and about Addition and Subtraction.
Our Science focus this term is Rocks and Fossils
In History we will be learning all about The Stone Age
In Geography we will focus on human geography and how land use changes over time
Chris Mould is our key artist this term. We will be using his illustrations to learn more about line, space and shape.
We will have Spanish lessons every Friday with Señora Davidson, starting from 22/9/23. There will also be Spanish club every Tuesday this term.
Our focus for computing this term is Computing Systems and Networks - Connecting Computers.
So far, we have learnt about some of the different activities people did in the Stone Age. We made our own cave paintings and posters about cooking, making and using tools, using animal skins, and making fire.