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Year 2

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  • PE will be on a Monday this term, please ensure your children come in to school wearing their PE kit. 
  • Forest School is on Tuesday, please make sure that the children have wellies and a coat, especially as the weather changes.
  • We change our Share a Story books on a Friday so please make sure your child has it on a Friday so they can swap it for another book for you to enjoy together. 

Monday 11th November

We are very excited to start our new book 'The Search for the Giant Arctic Jellyfish' and start learning about the Arctic environment. Take a look at our topic web to see all the things we are going to be learning about this term.

We started our science work on living things and their habitats by thinking about things that are alive, were once alive and have never been alive. We had some very interesting conversations about paper and leaves that had fallen off the tree. It was trickier to decide than we realised.

Before we got started we have spent this week learning about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. We thought about the reasons it happened and why we celebrate fireworks night every year.

Monday 21st October

We were very lucky to have a workshop where we were able to find out more about the Great Fire of London. We learnt all about how the fire started and made our own 'bread' in an oven. Then we had chance to think about the different ways they tried to stop the fire from spreading, knocking down houses, using fire hooks to pull down the straw roofs. We also learnt about the army, who were like the police, and the fire brigade at that time. Here are a few pictures of the day.

We then pretended to be Samuel Pepys and wrote all about it in a diary. We used fountain pens and pretended they were quills which meant we had to be very careful as we couldn't rub it out if we made a mistake. It was a bit messy!

Monday 8th October

We have been carrying on with our learning with Paddington Bear. We have been travelling between London and Peru and comparing the two locations. We noticed that poor Paddington only had a battered old suitcase so we have designed a new bag for him. We are learning how to use a running stitch so we can sew him a new bag. Here are few pictures of us practising our running stitch, it was quite tricky, especially threading the needle.

We also thought he might need an umbrella to keep him dry in London as it is always raining at the moment. Take a look at use investigating the properties of different materials to see which would be most suitable. We realised it doesn't just have to be waterproof but also strong and flexible.

In our history work we have started learning about the Great Fire of London, so far we have developed our chronology skills by creating a timeline of the main events.

Welcome back everyone, it is great to see you all after our summer break.

We have started our learning journey together in Year 2 with Paddington Bear. We have been enjoying the story and finding out all about him. 


The first thing we learnt was his favourite food is marmalade sandwiches. We made some to try and we are now writing instructions so everyone can try them. Most of us thought they were delicious!

In Geography we have been learning about Peru where Paddington comes from and comparing it to London where he lives with the Brown family.

We drew some maps to help Paddington find his way around all the famous London landmarks.

Take a look at the topic web below to see all the exciting learning we are looking forward to!