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Welcome to our Reception Class page. Here you will find out what we have been doing each week and what we have planned for the term. We base our learning around books linked to a theme but also adapt our plans to take into account children's interests and key events and celebrations throughout the year.
Please see below for our termly overviews, weekly news and photographs of our learning.
- PE will be on a Monday. Please send your child to school in their outdoor PE kit every Monday This is dark shorts/jogging bottoms, white t-shirt and school jumper/cardigan.
- Please send your child with a pair of wellington boots. We will use these throughout the week so please leave them on our welly rack in the outdoor classroom. We will be going outside for Muddy Monday every Monday so please ensure they have them available in school.
- Please read with your child at least 3 times a week (more if you can) and practise their phonic cards everyday. Please send in a book bag, reading books and phonic wallet everyday. Reading signatures will be counted on a Thursday and certificates given out on a Friday.
- Share a Story books will be changed on a Friday.
- Please send Phonics Folders into school everyday. A new sheet will be put in the folder as each new sound is taught (normally 3-4 per week)
- Yellow Word books are checked and updated on a Tuesday. Please make sure your child has their yellow word book in their book bag please.
Our Learning!
Weekly Class News Weekly Class News Weekly Class News
Term 3
This term our learning will focus around animals. We will start to learn the Chapter 3 digraphs and continue to focus on blending these sounds together to read simple words. Our first text will be Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson
Week 2 and 3
The children have loved designing their jungle mask. They then learnt how to use papier mache to create their mask. Some of the children loved the gooeyness! Once they were dry, the children have started to follow their designs to paint and decorate their masks. Hopefully finished photos next week!
Everyone is enjoying learning the new chapter 3 phonic sounds. All of the children are working so hard to blend sounds together and are trying hard to remember the tricky words.
During Muddy Monday, they went outside and read 'Stickman'. They then found lots of sticks and turned them into paintbrushes! They had great fun creating paint by mixing mud and water and then working as a group to create some super muddy paintings!
Week 1
Welcome back to school! The children had an exciting start to the term when we found a little baby monkey called Max in our classroom. He had lost his mummy. The children are looking after him until we can send him safely home. The children have loved sharing the story Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson. They have made puppets and retold the story, remembering lots of repeating phrases from the story. In maths, the children have been developing their understanding of capacity and comparing mass. The children have been looking at lots of information texts about animals that live in the jungle and finding out how they move. They have painted their favourite jungle animal and started to design their own jungle animal mask.
Term 2
This term our learning will focus around superheroes! We will continue learning our chapter 2 phonemes and really focus on blending these sounds together to read simple words. Our first text will be Charlie's Superhero Underpants
Week 1
We have had a wonderful first week back learning about different celebrations. The children were very keen to talk about their experiences of Halloween. We explored pumpkins and made exploding potions. We then moved on to learning about the festival Diwali. We created rangoli patterns using paint and on the iPads. We also learnt about the life of a little boy in India. We compared what things were similar to our life and what things are different. Finally we talked about all of the beautiful fireworks we had seen this week. We had great fun printing firework pictures and making pictures on the iPads.
Week 2 and 3
Superhero Training School has been in full force! After receiving message from Super Ben, the children have been busy learning how to be superheroes! They have designed and made their own superhero capes. They read Charlie's Superhero Underpants and have painted new pants for him. The children performed their first Sharing Assembly. Everyone was amazing! Every child joined in, spoke in the microphone and looked super happy! We are very proud of them! To say a big well done for all their superhero learning, we had a Superhero Day! The children completed a set of challenges and at the end of the day Super Ben awarded them all with certificates to show they were now fully qualified superheroes!
The children designed and made their own superhero capes! They were super proud of the finished capes!
The children were amazing in their first Cashes Green Nativity! They all joined in with the singing and actions and looks fantastic in their costumes. They loved performing to the audience and we couldn't be prouder of them! They've also had great fun making Christmas hats, Christmas cards, calendars and tree decorations.
Term 1
This term we are focussing our learning around the theme of 'Bears'. The children will be learning new routines and starting to learn to read by learning the first letter sounds in their phonics sessions. Our focus book for this term will be We're going on a bear hunt, before moving on to Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Week 1 and 2
The children have all settled brilliantly into school life! I am so impressed with how well they are playing together and they are all enjoying joining in with small activities and getting familiar with their new surroundings. They have shown that they are all budding artists by painting brilliant self portraits. They have used shapes to make some wonderful pictures and they've practised their listening skills by playing a range of listening games and going on a listening walk around school with their listening ears!
Week 3 and 4
We have had a very busy fortnight! We started by reading 'We're going on a Bear Hunt'. We re-enacted the story in story trays and then created collage maps to help us retell the story. We loved acting out the story.
We then moved on to another bear story - Goldilocks and the three bears! We learnt how to sort and enjoyed playing games like odd one out and guess my rule. We sorted items by size for the three bears, sorted monsters and sorted natural items by our own criteria. We made and tasted different flavours of porridge. Unsurprisingly baby bears chocolate flavour was the most popular!
We have loved taking part in our first Drawing club sessions! We have created drawing of the characters, the setting, a map and we have written a letter to say sorry to the bears!
Week 5 and 6
Reception invited their own teddy bears to a teddy bears picnic! Everyone practised writing their name and then wrote an invitation to their soft toy. The soft toys came to school and had a sleepover with Bernard Bear and Old Bear. The children were very surprised the following morning to find they had all moved, were reading books and had eaten all of Mrs Atkinson's chocolate! Everyone had great fun sharing cakes with the bears in the sunshine.
Reception have also started their Muddy Monday sessions. They have loved exploring the wildlife area, observing the pond and challenging themselves to walk along the tightrope!
This week Reception have focussed on a different story set in the woods. Owl Babies by Martin Waddell. The children have made puppets to retell the story and acted out the story using costumes and props. They have practised their cutting skills to cut out and make an owl.
After seeing a rainbow during Muddy Monday, the children used paint and sponges to explore printing. They made some beautiful rainbows!
Week 7
We finished our first term at school with a wonderful trip to Randwick Woods. Bernard Bear went missing and the children set off to rescue him. We had a super morning exploring the woods, climbing trees and searching for clues to help us find him!