Cashes Green Primary School and Children's Centre

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Hillcrest Road, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 4NL

01453 763598

Cashes Green Primary School and Children's Centre

Care and Support Helps Everyone Succeed

  1. Information
  2. Curriculum
  3. Curriculum Coverage

Curriculum Coverage 

Each class has a core book each term which their learning is based around. We choose these high quality texts in order to develop our children's vocabulary and foster a love of reading and stories right from their first days in Reception.

Our Reception class follow the EYFS Curriculum. They have their own books that drive the start of their learning each term before the children's interests are followed.

In Key Stages 1 and 2, we follow the 2014 National Curriculum for all subjects as well as the Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE and our own enhanced PSHE/SMSC curriculum (driven by SCARF). Through our skills based and knowledge rich curriculum, the learning in each subject is grouped into topics.

To ensure every aspect of each subject is fully covered we plan our topics in advance. We also keep a record of teaching as it occurs so that any changes due to following the children's interests or current affairs are kept track of and future planning adapted accordingly.

For each of the Foundation Subjects we have developed our own list of Key Skills, split into learning objectives for each year group. This ensures a progression of skills following a spiral curriculum where children practise and apply each skill. We have also identified the key vocabulary for each year group which is built up year on year. Details about each subject can be found on the individual pages (which are also linked on the curriculum page).

PE is taught across the school both by our class teachers and specialist coaches from Atlas Sports (see our page on Sports Premium funding for more details). Each class does a mixture of PE and games inside and outside and also has a term of swimming lessons.

We know children learn best when they're engaged and enjoying their learning so we like to try to keep our books a secret from the children. They arrive on the first day excited to find out what their new book will be and quickly become immersed through our launch activities and lessons. 

To find out what each class is currently learning about, please look at their individual class page which are updated fortnightly. At the start of each half term, the upcoming learning for the topic is shared. If you've any questions please contact your child's class teacher.

To find out about how each year group covers a specific subject across the year, please see the individual subject pages.


If you have any questions about the content or teaching of any area of the curriculum please pop in or make an appointment to speak to Mrs Eeley (Curriculum Leader).